I love stampscapes and glossy paper. Its sooo easy even I can make it look good. First stamp with stayzo onto glossy paper and let sit a minute or two to dry.

I use stipple brushes and marvy ink pads. I don't have a huge amount of either but enough to do most anything. I recommend 3 shades of blue, orange to red, some green, a yellow, a brown and a couple purples. I have one blue brush, one red, one orange, one yellow, one green, one brown, one purple and thats really about it. Here I added a bit of brown and green to the trees and cabin. and a tad to the water

then I start with the lightest shade of blue I used Salvia Blue. stippling all over the bottom leaving just a little lighter in the middle where the cabins light would go.

then a little darker shade of blue Lt Blue marvy here.

Last shade of blue doing as in the first step leaving a little white. This blue is Prussian blue. One of my favorite. these colors will work for a sky as well.

Then comes the sky. Again starting with the lightest color Orange here. Remember nature is not perfect so your color should not be solid color either

Then the next shade this color makes a great fire color tooTerra cotta.

Last shade I used Red.
Now I did not do more pictures for all the extras after this. I added a branch to make it look far away and a couple birds and animals for depth. I added a little white gel pen to the window. Then layered on black and then rust.
So now is your turn make a comment to possibly win this card then come back tomorrow night (yes I upload at night not in the daytime) to see if you are the winner.
Here is the list of the winners so far including the newest winner from day 3. send me an email with your name and address so I can get this off to you. I will put a * by your name when I have it so you know for sure I have it.
Day 1 - chef card - Kellys Artistic Journaling
day 2 - Chick card - Punkscrap
day 3 - Lenore - Dolly Mama
day 4???? could be you