Well have you missed me?? My husband and I met up with a friend I met on split coast stampers and her husband and we painted the town red, white and green dollar bills.
We even managed to sneak in one stamp store. Amuse. their only retail store devoted to them in is in north Seattle. About 30 blocks from the zoo. Yahoo.

They have some of the cutest stamps. while you can see most of the samples on line its much funner in person. and much easier to spend. are these not the cutest things. dang should have got more when their they would have been a perfect valentine swap card. but my basket was full of goodies already.

Here I am. Yes it was cold there by the way but on this day we had a bit of sunshine YEAH

disclaimer: nope no kick backs just an average Joe passing the word on of another place to spend the green
I always wanted to have a stamp for my books. so that when I purchase them would only have to write the date inside...
oh I'm jealous... i so would love to go to that store...
Hi, I used to live in Washington. I remember years ago before I was big into stamps going into the store. I wish I could go there now. space Needle is gorgeous at night. TFS Jennie
Glad you had such a good time! I would love to visit the store in person! Lucky Lucky you!
Lucky you! I hope to get to Seattle one day, it looks like a beautiful place. Isn't Impress Rubber Stamps there, too?
Beautiful photo of the needle...tfs!
Beautiful photos of the stamp store too....pretty bad when photos even make us drool!
Bet you had a fun basket full there!!!
I am so jealous! I would so love to check out a cool stamping store; nothing where I am.
looks like you had so much fun. That looks like a great store to visit and shop in!
Looks like you had a great time! How fun! :)
How great! No stamp stores here, so I'm living thru you! How much did I spend??? he he he..
Glad you had a good time!
Your picture of the Space Needle is wonderful. I love Seattle. DH and I want to go back soon. When we lived in eastern WA, Seattle was out weekend getaway! Sure do miss it!
How fun that you got to go to Amuse. Must have been like Stamper's heaven! lol
Hope you had a great time, I would so LOVE to go to the A Muse shop!! :0)
You are one lucky girl getting to visit the Amuse store in person! I wonder how much self-restraint I would have there...
I'm so jealous! I love A Muse!!!!
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