Well a short detour from stamping I will have some class samples up tomorrow.

whew what a morning got out of the shower only to hear a noise in the garage. so I yell to Dave someones in the garage. he jumps out of bed (530 am) and he runs to the front of the garage I run to the back (ours opens on both ends) well nothing.
hmm that's weird. so he goes takes a shower comes out we are reading the paper and there it is again. I look out a window into the garage and I see a little furry hand prying at a hole in the back garage door. scared me to death the noise it was making
I yell squirrel in the garage. great we have had one in the house once, our old one when we were selling it and it made a terrific mess. so we go out open the garage and see nothing but leave it open for 1/2 hour.
time to leave now and we go out to shut the door hoping its gone well NOT, it comes running out only its not a squirrel its a whew what a morning got out of the shower only to hear a noise in the garage. so I yell to Dave someones in the garage. he jumps out of bed (530 am) and he runs to the front of the garage I run to the back (ours opens on both ends) well nothing
hmm that's weird. so he goes takes a shower comes out we are reading the paper and there it is again. I look out a window into the garage and I see a little furry hand prying at a hole in the back garage door. scared me to death the noise it was making
Well its not a
squirrel at all its a Marmot we normally don't have any in our neighborhood.
We are trying to get him out of the yard and out from under the shed we don't need him making that a home. In the process he bit Dave's foot thankfully he had on work boots so no damage other then a scuff on the boot. we had both fences open but when he finally figured a way out he goes running and wham runs right into the fence stops is a little shocked and then manages to scurry underneath and heads a couple houses down. hopefully he wont be back.

they are kinda cute and very scared. but I just don't need one in my backyard . It would drive the dog bonkers I am afraid.