today was the big race and it was a whole 31 degrees out for it.
BRRRRRRRRRrr long johns, gloves and ear muffs. good thing they gave out scarves and silly energizer bunny ears to add to the warmth.

I forgot my camera so just took a couple cell phone shots. doesn't my mom look great.
lol she will love this when she sees it. better not tell here I put it on the blog.
Over 4700 walkers and runners were signed up this year so a great turn out for a great cause.
to find out more about this walk and to see if one is in your area please check out their site. the
Susan g komen fight for a cure the more we know about breast cancer the better we can get the word out and find a cure.
Good on You!!!!
What a fabulous day to spend the day! I wish everyone could experience the feeling of being involved with one of these walks! We do relay for life and light the night and the ST. Jude Marathon. Thanks for sharing your pictures and thanks for what you did to promote awareness of cancer research!! You GO girl!
Great for you! That's awesome that you went out and did that for such a good cause. Give yourself a huge pat on the back!
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