Wednesday, December 3, 2008

blog reading

I found an interesting post on Understand Blue's blog today. Its all about how you read your blogs. by individual or by reader. Do you like your blogs short and sweet or long and wordy? only on one subject or many? What is your biggest beef about a blog.

I would love to hear any comments on this here.


Denise G said...

I read Understand Blue too..... My thoughts on the blogging world is pretty simple... grateful..... just so grateful that someone out there has it all figured out and is willing to do it! I don't care if it is long or short only craft related or not... I read what I have time for and feel like there is a lot of information to be gained. I try to do mine through the email subscription because the RSS bogs my computer down to much. I love pictures and details of how and what was used, but understand that is a pain to always post.... so I am grateful for what I get.... and it is a huge source of inspiration and enabling me to craft... So thank you!

Anonymous said...

Being a blogger myself I love to read others blogs, except mostly I am about the pictures, show me what you are doing, sometimes if I am in the mood and I have the time i will read, but usually only when there is a photo to intrigue me to read. I post alot of photos on my blog, I just feel it catches people a little more. I dont know, dont get me wrong I love to read but sometimes I just want to see what someone is doing.

Anonymous said...

This was so interesting...I love to see pictures.